Means Of Verification: Venture staffing records, Venture tax return
Risks/Mitigation measures/assumptions: There is an assumption that the jobs created will be decent jobs and that revenue submitted to national government would produce the intended socio-economic development. As part of the innovation mainstreaming stakeholder engagement could influence some of the investments where the money could go to
Means Of Verification: Profit & Loss, Market assessment, Venture Profit & Loss, Investment Audits
Brand erosion due to unforeseen event.There is an assumption that there would be minimal disruptions in the markets. Some elements are outside the ventures control. A continuous tracking of market factors and strategic adjustment as an when need is essential to guarantee venture success.
Means Of Verification: Business registration certificates, Investment agreements, Masterplan publication & Senate adoption
Risks/Mitigation measures/assumptions: There is an assumption that all member IHL would work at the same level of ecosystem engagement. The resource centre can assist establish a minimum standard and support the attainment of such expectations across the network
Means Of Verification: Training reports, IP certificates,Registration certificates,Event reports,Physical visits,MoUs.
Risks/Mitigation measures/assumptions: This has assumed an availability of resources to host the annual summit, build platform and to produce the thought leadership. Secretariat and Governing council to oversee development and implementation of a sustainable resource mobilization plan.