The Kenya Network of Entrepreneurial Institutions Leaders (KNEIL) is a platform for institutional leaders to discuss, co-design and drive solutions to challenges of entrepreneurial and innovation prospects of institutions. KNEIL is created to encourage & grow institutions' potential to develop, promote, nurture and drive sustainable innovation & entrepreneurial ecosystems within the institutions and by extension the country.
To catalyse the maturity of the entrepreneurial and innovation potential of institutions of higher learning by leveraging their collective knowledge capacity for national socio-economic transformation
A vibrant community of transformative entrepreneurial institutions
These are values that lie at the heart of the KNEIL’s identity forming the organizational DNA and will differentiate the KNEIL from its peers.They include:
These values will make up minimum behavioural standards that will be expected of everyone who will join the network, but which don’t uniquely define the network.They include:
These will be the values that the organization will aspire to have (but don’t yet have), because the organization believes that they are essential to its future success.They Include:
These are heads of institutions willing to pull together, share expertise or resources and work to develop specific initiatives to kick off the network.
Council Chairperson
Council Vice Chairperson
Council Member
Council Member
Council Member
Council Member
Council Member
Council Member
Council Member
Council Secretary